Monday, 16 May 2011

Hello Monday.

Monday Monday Monday. Why? Sooooo tired today. Sitting in the cafe again, after the school run. Having a coffee.

Please note the lack of cupcake in this picture. I had already started cutting down as I have a LOT of weight to lose. My resolve hardened last night after I found a pic of myself from a few years ago. I was so thin. About a size 12. Or nearer a size 10. Seeing this picture has really got me down. I'm 40 in September and if I'm this fat for my 40th I will be majorly depressed.

Going to start exercising again. Aswell as getting out on my bike. And I should be losing weight because of the amount of bending / stretching etc at work. Also started eating apples and bananas, don't really like any other fruit. Have upped my water intake aswell. Anyhoooo, illness and terrible weather have kept me off the bike, it's gale force winds here lately. I had a quick run to the shops on her yesterday and boy I felt it. The new kickstand is very helpful, glad I bought it. Still haven't found a lightweight silver pannier rack. The really light ones are always black. But I have spotted some nice pannier bags.

Actually I have spotted LOADS of nice pannier bags lol. Right, off to the library, away from the cupcakes on the cake counter !

Monday, 9 May 2011

Monday again

Monday morning again, wow they come round quick! Bit down today as I've been poorly. Last week I was soooo tired I didn't get out on my lovely bicycle. :( Bought a sewing machine on Thursday but still haven't had a chance to set it up. And I felt lousy at work all day Saturday ( 8-4.45 ) which ended up as a horrendous migraine. My Saturday night was spent almost delirious with pain, rolling around clutching my head. Sunday was spent mostly in bed, trying to pull myself round. So, all in all, a pretty shit week. On the plus side, the heavens opened on Saturday and it's chucked it down all weekend, hopefully it's helped extinguish the forest fires in the UK. So, this is quite a rambling, not-upto-much blog entry. But it doesn't really matter as I have only 2 followers, neither of whom actually read my blog anymore! Anyway, enough feeling sorry for myself! After work I have to pick my boy up from school, take my dog to the vets ( he's got hayfever ffs ) then I'm going to set my new sewing machine up and get sewing! I am determined to start making stuff to sell, I have quite a few ideas. ;) Just enjoying my cup of coffee at the cafe before I start work. It looks lovely outside, hope I get out on the pashley soon. And I've decided she needs a new name, something ....different. I had decided to call her "Bonnie Lass" but it doesn't really suit her. She needs something a bit more sophisticated lol. I'm leaning toward 'Margot' lol

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

New job

Sitting in a cafe with a yummy cupcake and a cup of tea before I go to work.

Into my 3rd week of my new job. It's bloody hard work. But it pays the rent and it got me away from my evil ex-boss ! On Sunday morning I went the furthest on my bike than I've ever been. It wasnt miles but it felt good to go to a new place. Took lots of pics and have spent ages messing about with loads of photo editing apps. I'm quite addicted lol !